The Ziris Group
Computer and Technology Solutions
Contact Us  925-609-9361

One Stop Computer Service

We will assess your personal or business needs, make hardware and software recommendations and provide setup and installation.  We will continue to support your hardware and software once they are up and running.

Troubleshooting, Repair & Upgrading

System or network problems?  Mysterious error messages?  Computer slowed down?  Need to upgrade?  Need additional hardware or software?

We will upgrade your network, hardware or software,  promptly and for a reasonable price.

Data Backup

How much is your company data worth?

We install and configure data backup strategies that are automatic and transparent.



Data Recovery

  • A hard drive crash occurs every 15 seconds.
  • 1 in 5 computers suffer a fatal hard drive crash during their lifetime.
  • Laptops are 67% more likely to fail than desktops

We install backup systems and recover data that has been lost due to human error or hardware failure.


Computer Network Management

The Ziris Group provides professional, timely and cost-effective computer networking solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Whether you have a server, or just need to share a high speed internet connection, we will design and install a wired or wireless network in your home or office.

Contact Us For On-site or
Remote Support

Tel. 925-609-9361


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