The Ziris Group
Computer and Technology Solutions
Contact Us:  925-609-9361

Data Backup & Recovery

How much is your company data worth?

Your company's data is your most important asset.  You can reinstall the software, but if your data is lost it's just gone. According to an article by the Boston Computing Network

  • 6% of PCs will suffer data loss in any year - a total of  1.7 million incidents.
  • 42% of data loss is due to hardware failure, including  damage by power surge and drive failure.
  • 31% of data loss is due to human error, including  accidental deletion.

An effective backup system is the best insurance against loss of your valuable data.  

We install and configure data backup strategies that are automatic and transparent.

We install backup systems and recover data that has been lost due to human error or hardware failure.


DriveSavers Data Recovery
DriveSavers Data Recovery